Business owners have a lot to keep track of. We can get so focused on the products and services we provide for our customers that we forget to check the calendar and plan for upcoming events and deadlines.
With so many dates to keep track of, like national holidays, back-to-school season, and healthcare enrollment and tax deadlines, it’s quite likely our calendars are missing something important!
To be sure I didn’t miss anything, I scoured the internet for lists of important business deadlines, marketing seasons, and social media holiday opportunities in 2023.

Resources for Important Dates in 2023
Holidays & Deadlines
Every Tax Deadline You Need To Know by Intuit TurboTax Lists the 2023 deadlines for the 2022 tax year and answers FAQs surrounding how to handle missed deadlines and what to do in certain situations.
When can you get health insurance? by Provides the dates and deadlines for marketplace health insurance enrollment, plus a link to preview 2023 plans and the ability to sign up for email reminders.
Stock Market Holidays in 2023: NYSE, NASDAQ and Wall Street Holidays by Kiplinger Lays out all the holidays and closing early dates for the NYSE, Nasdaq, and Wall Street in an easy-to-read table.
Content Marketing Opportunities
2023 Small Business Marketing Calendar: Key Holidays to Plan For by ValPak Download a printable PDF 12-month small business marketing calendar in monthly and list formats.
Download your 2023 social media calendar by Mertricool Shares more fun dates and days of the year to help plan and create engaging social media content.
A Marketing Calendar Template To Plan Your Content For 2023 by Search Engine Journal Lists monthly, weekly, and daily observances, along with popular monthly hashtags, and a downloadable list and marketing planning template.

I recommend reviewing each list to see which dates and seasons are important to you and sharing them with the people and departments who support you in managing and marketing your business.
This can help you stay ahead of taxes, healthcare, marketing, customer service, and so much more!
It's my secret to staying ahead of small business deadlines, marketing seasons, and important events that are likely to impact my business.
For more tips to help you grow and scale your business and spend less time running it, be sure to subscribe to my email list and follow me on Facebook, Instagram, and YouTube.